The bottle contains 250 ml of alcohol-based vapor and cleaning distillate. It can be used for all smoke kits. Includes 2 pipettes for precise dosing. The steam produced by this distillate, which is particularly true to the prototype, makes the experience of the steam locomotive appear even more vivid and creates the perfect illusion of a hard-working steel animal. It is also suitable for cleaning the tracks and most soiling, e.g. on locomotives and wagons. Information on hazardous substances and the safety data sheet can be found under Downloads.
- Completely residue-free evaporation! This means that there are no operating/processing marks on the model.
- Alcohol-based.
- Ideal for use as a cleaning agent for tracks and locomotives.
- Includes 2 pipettes for precise dosing.

Märklin Tog og Togsett
Togbutikken har et kjempeutvalg av Märklin lokomotiver, vogner og alt annet utstyr til modelljernbanen. Märklin er verdens største produsent av modelljernbaneutstyr, og Togbutikken er ledende på modelljernbaner av alle merker i Norge. Ta en titt på vårt kjempeutvalg!