Belgisk godsvognsett, 2 stk.
Prototype: Set consisting of two Belgian State Railways (SNCB), B Cargo business area, type Rils 4-axle sliding tarp cars. European standard design with a length of 19.90 meters / 65 feet 3-7/16 inches. The car looks as it did starting in 2010.
Model: The underbody is specific to the car type. There are many separately applied details. The car has rectangular buffers and a handwheel for setting the brakes. The trucks are type Y25. There is a metal insert for good running characteristics. A closed tarp is modelled on the car. Both cars are individually packaged. There is a master package. Length over the buffers 22.9 cm / 9". DC wheelset E700580.
- Many separately applied details.

Märklin Tog og Togsett
Togbutikken har et kjempeutvalg av Märklin lokomotiver, vogner og alt annet utstyr til modelljernbanen. Märklin er verdens største produsent av modelljernbaneutstyr, og Togbutikken er ledende på modelljernbaner av alle merker i Norge. Ta en titt på vårt kjempeutvalg!