Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) passenger car, 1st/2nd class, for so-called lightweight express trains (LS). Type AB4ym(b)-51. Colloquially also known as Mitteleinstiegswagen / Center Entry Cars. Version with small marker lights mounted high on the ends of the car and sliding windows on the entries at the ends of the car. Bottle green paint scheme.
Model: The car has factory-installed LED interior lighting and current conducting couplers. The interior lighting works in conjunction with the center entry cab control car and can be turned on and off digitally using a decoder in the cab control car. The ends of the car have red transparent marker light inserts. The underbody is specific to the type of car. The trucks are type Minden-Deutz heavy with double brake shoes. The minimum radius for operation is 360 mm / 14-3/16. Restroom drainpipes and shuttle train control lines are included for mounting on the car for presentation in a display case. Length over the buffers 28.2 cm / 11-1/8.
Cars to go with this car can be found in the Märklin H0 assortment under item numbers 43166 and 43336. A locomotive to go with this car can be found in the Märklin H0 assortment under item number 39787. This model can be found in the Trix H0 assortment under item number 23126.

Märklin Tog og Togsett
Togbutikken har et kjempeutvalg av Märklin lokomotiver, vogner og alt annet utstyr til modelljernbanen. Märklin er verdens største produsent av modelljernbaneutstyr, og Togbutikken er ledende på modelljernbaner av alle merker i Norge. Ta en titt på vårt kjempeutvalg!